Does The Holy Spirit Guide Mormon Revelation?
Or Is Mormon Discernment: True Or Fake?
How accurate is the Mormon gift of spiritual discernment? Is it truly a significant gift from God? Or is it another snake oil salesman scam? According to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, more commonly known as the Mormons, in their Guide to the Scriptures, the gift of discernment is defined as one of the gifts of the Spirit.
Furthermore, it includes "perceiving people's true character" and the "spiritual manifestations' source and meaning." In other words, it seems to suggest that Mormon discernment can tell a person's true inner character and from where that information comes. If this is true, it sounds fantastic, and if it is not, then I would suggest that particular deceit is dangerous and likely to cause harm in many ways. I have encountered emotional, mental, and sexual abuse within the Mormon church because of this 'belief.'
Let's get right to the point. Using a recent poster I saw, let us compare the two sides of the "Mormon Sword of Discernment."
If Discernment Exists:
— Why are pedophiles called to serve in the Mormon church Primary, Young Men's, and Scouting programs? Shouldn't they know?
— Why were the Prophet, his two councilors, and the Twelve Apostles so easily deceived by Mark Hoffman (Forger, Bomber, and Murderer)? Shouldn't they know?
— Why were the Prophet, his two councilors, and the Twelve Apostles fooled by Elder Paul H. Dunn, a liar who fabricated stories and was promoted within the church? Shouldn't they know?
— Why can leaders not identify when church members lie to them? Shouldn't they know?
If Discernment Doesn't Exist:
— Are Mormon leaders knowingly lying by claiming discernment when they have no evidence of its existence? And if so, why?
— Are Mormon leaders so self-deluded that they believe they, such special people, are the tools of the Holy Spirit and, in religious matters, can make no errors? And if so, why? Self-promoting delusion? Narcissism? Chosen as special people?
— Do Mormon leaders claim discernment to gain power and control over members? And if so, why?
— If Mormon leaders know that discernment does not exist, how do they believe the rest of their religion? And if so, why would they?
Of course, the above list could be significantly longer. The point of this article is to highlight the apparent and obvious dangers of believing such nonsense.
The real danger is when the Mormon members accept that their Prophet can do wrong. For example, "When the Prophet speaks, … the debate is over" (Ensign, Nov. 1978, p. 108). My experience is that when the Bishop speaks, the debate is also over. Likewise, when the Stake President speaks, the debate is over. Often is the case in many Mormon families; when the patriarch or father speaks, the debate is also over.
Am I just pointing fingers at silly delusional people? No, I assumed such nonsense was factual for over 35 years. However, it behooveth me to point out danger when I see it, as I know much better today. Being guided by the so-called Holy Spirit or discernment is fake and a small part of a much bigger scam: Mormonism.
© Stephen G. Arrowsmith 2022
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