Is England in Trouble?
Returning to a very different Crewe!
George Orwell once wrote that England is "a land of snobbery and privilege, ruled largely by the old and silly." Times may have improved for many over the last hundred years, but upon my return from 25 years living in the USA, much has changed in jolly old England. Truthfully, I didn't recognize where I was born and lived until my 30s.
The town I lived in is dramatically worse in so many ways. Sad and dirty. Overcrowded and unwelcoming. Too many people and too many cars, all on tiny roads. Because of the town’s epic railway history, there is only one way in or out of Crewe town center, with single lanes over small bridges. The town center looks like a war zone. Businesses and large stores have fled the town. Long-established multi-generational companies have disappeared. It’s now a worn-out town with multiple charity stores, pawn shops, adult casinos, and gambling establishments. Only one business is increasing in large numbers in town . . . Turkish barbers. By the way I love my Turkish barber! Not only had the town changed, but the people also. I’m not suggesting the composition but the attitudes. I was shocked to hear so many under the breathe racist comments.
The town market is no longer in existence. At least the famous Crewe Theatre is still open and is doing well. However, the town is a mere shadow of what it used to be. Nobody I know desires to visit the town center, and while the outlying suburbs of Crewe town are much nicer, most of what used to be Crewe is almost ghetto-like in looks and feel. I recently walked around the town and photographed and counted over 20 stores closed and in dirty disarray. The condition of what is left is overgrown and filthy. Ironically, the town has many beautiful flower boxes hanging, sadly hanging over dirty, overgrown, and littered floors. On my walk into town, I walked the length of Edleston Road. It’s a hell hole. Not inviting at all. If a stranger were driving or walking into the town via Edleston Road, they’d turn and return from whence they came.
Compared to York, which can boast a fantastic railway museum, this once-historic town needs to show a connection to its historical past. The Victorian buildings one might still see in many parts of England have all but vanished in Crewe. The history of Crewe has been deliberately whitewashed away. Dangerous because no history often leads to no pride.
The town's library was emptied as a new one was built next door as part of a 'lifestyle' center, including a swimming pool. Any problem with that? Not really, except no free parking anywhere. So like the rest of the town, it's underutilized. In between the two buildings stand what is left of a church, Christ Church, in an unsafe and overgrown condition. Oh yes, the old swimming pool building is closed and has been left to rot.
On the positive side, a new bus station, multi-story car park, and shopping arcade are in early construction. However, they should have been completed by Christmas 2020. No one I have spoken to believes in this project.
One of the most significant changes I have seen is widespread pessimism. How the town looks, it’s hard to find anyone with good words to say about anything. The racial discontent, not so underlying with many, is evident for all to see and hear. Even good people talk about ‘them’ and ‘Us.’ Having lived in the States I know the danger of diversion.
Other significant changes are the lack of policing and legal enforcement. Anyone can park anywhere they wish in Crewe these days. Whether on sidewalks, double yellow no parking zones, directly next to traffic lights, or even on pedestrian crossings. So not only do we have a vast amount of tiny small roads, we have a vast amount of people who treat the lawful requirements of the road as non-existent. Don’t even get me started on driving through red lights! The town would make a small fortune hiring a hundred traffic enforcers. Or as suggested by a reader free parking to encourage traffic into town.
Sadly, due to the same mindset, there is an ever-increasing amount of vandalism and social misbehavior. Now, before anyone else mentions it, many of my friends and I weren't the best-behaved teens. However, today is a different story. I have encountered large gangs of boys, and girls, attacking other children and teens in the town. I have made it my business to talk to older people who tell me they no longer visit the town as often as they are afraid. The average person will not intervene as they fear knives and the real chance of being badly hurt.
As a previous article stated, a pig is still a pig, no matter how you dress it up. The powers-that-be can attempt the Kevin Costner “If you build it, they will come” attitude with the rejuvenation of the town; however, if people do not feel safe walking or driving, if the face of law enforcement is never seen, the central major part of the town is full of empty, dirty, and closed storefronts no one will come.
I have been back in England for two years. I didn't come back for Crewe. I came to marry my sweetheart. But I was hoping that the fun and happy times I had walking around the town when I was younger might still be there. I hoped Crewe's upbeat, all-inclusive people, who used to stand and chat for hours, might still be there. Instead, I found a very sad town. I don’t recognize the town; I don’t recognize the people; I don’t recognize the pessimism.
I don’t have the answers. That’s it another article or maybe an ongoing conversation. It’s fair to suggest that Crewe is just one of hundreds of towns and cities in the United Kingdom in similar circumstances. That may be true, however it doesn’t need to be that way. I am a firm believer and advocate of people. I have seen groups such as ‘Friends of the Queen’s Park’ and ‘The Peoples Park’ come together to create a better place to visit, relax, and be safe. I see a great spirit amongst the people of Wistaston to do likewise. Maybe enough people can band together to do something similar for the town center and make their voices heard loudly. I, for one, would be happy to help. Just saying!
© Stephen G. Arrowsmith 2023
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