I had thought of Katie many times throughout the last 46 years. In 1975 I was a motorcycling 17-year-old, and she was a smiling, happy, and beautiful 16-year-old girl. I didn't know much at that age, but I did know I loved her. Of course, I didn't have the confidence or the self-esteem to share how I felt at that age. But I did know she was unique, and she made me feel wanted and special. We held hands as we walked along, and I knew I never wanted to let her go.
Life happens, though. Within a couple of years, I was married, and another couple of years later, so was Katie. At times, our paths crossed; however, that train had left that station, and life carried on. The train may have gone without us on it, but whenever I saw her, I just wanted to hug and kiss her so much, but then back to reality. Newly marrieds usually turn into new parents, and we both had beautiful and loving daughters. Five daughters in total. We lost track of each other for many years, and I left for the USA. Growing families and careers for almost everyone consume lives. So they should, after all, children should be loved and cared for by loving parents and partners.
Life can be complicated and challenging no matter who you are and often is. But, sometimes, dreams come true despite life's many ups and downs. Like all of you, both of us encountered family joy and tragedy. Lots of happiness and, at times, many tears. Yet, despite living 5,000 miles apart, Katie and I somehow managed to get back in touch. And after 46 years apart, I flew to England to be with my teen sweetheart. That was a year ago. How did it turn out? We became engaged in Cardiff, Wales, last November. And in June 2022, we were married in Las Vegas, Nevada. Miracle? You bet your sweet bippy it is! “True love will triumph in the end — which may or may not be a lie, but if it is a lie, it’s the most beautiful lie we have,” John Green reminded us.
“A miracle is when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. A miracle is when one plus one equals a thousand.”
Frederick Buechner, The Alphabet of Grace
© Stephen G. Arrowsmith 2022
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