Mormon Jesus vs. Historical Jesus?

I Prefer Dave Gahan and Personal Jesus. At Least, Dave's Real.

Was, or is, Jesus the image on the left above or the right above? If you are from WASP country, White Anglo-Saxon Protestant that is, then the white blue-eyed Jesus is the very man for you! See Mormon living rooms worldwide, and you will see a pattern, no matter your color or culture. I even had a student of mine years ago at Brigham Young University state that Jesus was American and had an American-English accent. The Book of Mormon Jesus and the New Testament Jesus are bi-lingual, apparently.

I don't believe he is either of them. But, as man created God in man's image, no matter which part of the world you come from, Jesus then becomes just like you, coincidently! Amazing.

Just as Herod didn't order mass killings of boy children, the graves in Jerusalem were not opened, no dead ever came forth, and no sun stood still in the heavens at any time; myths and legends are just that, ancient tales from a time when everything unexplainable was explained in divine terms. It's worth noting that Herod died in 4 BCE, which obviously would have made it challenging for him to order boys to be killed posthumously. Today? We have science. More difficult to fool people today. However, it still happens in isolated communities, societies, and countries worldwide.

Oh, yes, as long as we're attempting to be historically accurate, Jesus, the imaginary character, was not born by immaculate conception and was not raised from the dead. Only in ancient myths do those things happen. Please don't let your young children read this . . . Santa and the Tooth Fairy no longer exist past eight years old because, yes, you guessed it, they are not real either.

But if I had to choose, I'd prefer my Own Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode. At least Dave Gahan and the boys are real. No, they are. I've seen them in concert in Salt Lake City, Utah, and Phoenix, Arizona. While we are on biblical references, John the Revelator is a great track too.



Steve Arrowsmith, The Steve Approach

Steve lives and writes on two continents. He has been a lecturer, researcher, and a coach. His interests include helping those with disease and disability.