Mormon Mind Control

How Does The Mormon Plan Of Happiness Work?

Photo by Matt Artz on Unsplash

How does the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, commonly known as the Mormons, work in your community? Actually, they don't call it work but 'service.' Sounds better, doesn't it?

The Mormons will offer you 'service to obtain you and your family.' Meaning the obvious initially, gardening, helping you move, carrying your shopping, and all manner of assistance. If you check out your social media pages, you will find that kind of service is sought after more so than knocking on doors anymore. The internet is their friend. These are all gateways used by Mormon missionaries and Mormon members to befriend you under the guise of just wanting to be good neighbors. But take from one who has been on the inside, the only goal they have, and are taught to seek out, is gaining more members. More members mean more tithing money and much more. Once you enter the rabbit hole, it becomes ever more challenging to reverse. The only way is forward. The above Mormon actions are only the start of Mormon mind control.

Seems innocuous at first. But that is how all mind control works.

According to Luna Lindsey's book Recovering Agency:
Lifting the Veil of Mind Control
, "a manipulated subject has to be completely unaware that it is happening. She must be in full cooperation with the process, which goes something like this:

An influencer gains your trust through friendship and promises, perhaps comforting you during a difficult time and possibly appealing to your existing ideals. Once you trust him, you're ready to believe him. You are convinced that everything he says is true and for your good and the good of others. Then he has the power to influence all aspects of your life.

That's when he teaches you a series of beliefs that will keep you from ever wanting to doubt those teachings or leave his group — even if later those promises are broken, or the people turn unfriendly, or you end up going against your original ideals." (Punctuation corrected)

Sounds oh so familiar, doesn't it?

Lindsey explains, "Mind control is a type of persuasion that bypasses mental defenses against new beliefs, followed by:

  • establishment of beliefs to deflect all skepticism and criticism of the doctrine and leaders'
  • suppression of critical thinking skills (while maintaining the illusion of logic)
  • isolation of members from doubt-inducing information
  • the creation of dependency on the group for social and psychological fulfillment
  • the instillment of emotions like fear and guilt to keep members from leaving.

It is key that all the while, members maintain perfect trust in the person or group doing the manipulating.

No one knows when they're being controlled in this way — that's entirely the point."

How does this kind of organization or cult work? First, it requires or even demands the complete trust of its members.

As Sadie Lee points out in her Medium article, Mormonism: Debunked by the Internet, Yet Still Practiced, "Logic is no match for powerful thought control and psychological and spiritual abuse."

And the Mormon church "demands an inordinate amount of time, energy, and money, using a totalist and inflexible ideology that permeates most or all aspects of the members' lives. Such groups are known for isolating members either physically or culturally, suppressing serious questions and flexibility in thought, leaving little room for doubts or dissent, and never allowing criticism of leadership. The goal is for ideological purity and unanimity among all members.

The LDS Church fits this definition."

Does any of this sound familiar? If you are or have been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and are "honest in heart," you will recognize the above descriptions. However, just like all other religious cults worldwide, you will have been taught that if anyone or anything disagrees with what you have been taught, they must be evil or even Satan himself. By the way, Satan is just another manufactured character who has been in every religious myth worldwide since the worshipping of trees. But fear always helps the cause, doesn't it?

The power of Mormon mind control means that you will continue to be manipulated until the fear or embarrassment you have is outweighed by a love of self and not a passion for a Disney character who demands everything now for an eternal gift later when you die. Sounds like an MLM scam. Your reward will come; honestly, they say. All you need is faith, they say. What an excellent mind-control technique. It took me a while, but I finally figured it out. It's incredible what your mind can do when it doesn't have to listen to weekly brainwashing meetings.



Steve Arrowsmith, The Steve Approach

Steve lives and writes on two continents. He has been a lecturer, researcher, and a coach. His interests include helping those with disease and disability.