The Best Thing About Getting Older
No, It’s Not Money, It’s Not Houses, It’s Not Cars, and It’s Not Work!
What do you see when you look at the above picture? Yes, I know it’s an elephant with long legs. Does it remind you of a particular artist? Do you even care? Do you like what you see? Does it intrigue you? or do you loathe it?
Personally, I love this type of art. It ignites my imagination. I enjoy sharing ideas, thoughts, writings, poems, music, and many other things. Do I care what you or anyone else thinks about that? No, I don’t give a damn. It’s always a fun experience when people with similar likes can enjoy their love for a particular genre or shared experience. But here's the crux of the matter, I don’t care anymore what anyone else thinks. I still care; I’m a caring person. But what anyone actually thinks about something I care about is frankly none of my business. I am more interested in my coffee and watching Premier League football. You don’t like coffee and football? So what? I don’t care what you think about it. It’s probably good that I don’t care as my team, Leeds United, has a way to go before becoming real contenders. You don’t like Leeds? I don’t care. It should have clicked by now; I don’t care!
The best thing about getting older is I don’t care what other people think anymore.
I used to care a lot about what others thought in my employment circles, my church life, and my vast array of ‘friends.’ I cared a whole lot, too much. My happiness relied upon the happiness of others. As I get older, I find most of the things that I used to build my life on I found to be temporary. I didn’t see it then because I cared too much about others' thoughts. The money, the houses, the cars, and a great job can disappear in a heartbeat. In fact, more than once in your life sometimes.
All that truly matters revolves around LOVE. Your partner, family, close, loyal friends, and ability to love and be loved in return (Thanks Moulin Rouge). I care dearly about love. I care about love being an actor. I care about love being a feeling and an emotion. I care about love like John Lennon cared about love. I care about love and life. I care about sharing love and the rest of my life with people I love.
But I don’t care anymore about what people think of me and my actions. Neither should you. Those who love me know I care about them. They know I love them.
Anyone else, please feel free to mind your own business and keep your not-wanted opinions to yourself. You should try this; I feel so good now!! LOL
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