Why Can't I Keep My Atheism To Myself?

A Question Asked Frequently

Photo by James Lee on Unsplash

Is this an actual unicorn or a plastic unicorn? Yes, that's right, there's no such thing in the real world. Fantasy has its place, but not for me any longer. I was gullible enough for 35 years and don’t mind admitting I was taken for a very long and expensive ride by the Mormons. I enjoyed Santa and the Tooth Fairy because I was given fun things as a child. However, as an adult, I was not so bright. Although most ‘blessings’ were not tangible, I truly believed I was given many beautiful and eternal things. The problem began when I realized I was giving up everything I owned, including my mental health. And when I made my feelings public, I was told repeatedly I needed to repent because I was sinning. It was always me, apparently!

And so, why don't I walk away and give thanks for my freedom? Here's why:

1 — Because there are people who think it's more than ok to trample on the fundamental human rights of other people based on "doctrines."

2 — There are people who believe children should be taught fairy tales in school instead of facts.

3 — There are people who think it's ok to try and heal their children with prayer instead of seeking medical attention, even if it means the child dies. For example, denial of blood transfusions and much more.

4 — Some people believe witchcraft is real and grounds for torturing someone to death.

5 — Some people horrifically abuse and beat their children, sometimes to death, believing them to be possessed by demons.

6 — There are people who believe they have the right to impose their religion's "values" on everyone else.

7 — Some people inflict genital mutilation on both sexes, public stonings, flogging, brutal so-called honor killings, battery acid attacks, and little girls who get set on fire or shot in the face.

8 — There are millions of indecencies and atrocities carried out daily, even today, by people in the name of ancient, fake doctrines and imaginary gods.

This is why I choose to speak out against religion actively. A friend asked me recently why I didn't leave religion alone, specifically the Mormons; after all, they are only doing what I did years earlier. My answer is simple; I didn't know better. Now I know better, so I do better. I just wish someone had revealed the scam to me. No way I would have gone down that sad and distressing track.

Humor always has a place in our lives and often illustrates a point very well.

Why doesn’t Santa bring all the needy children toys?

It’s the same reason that Jesus or any other God doesn’t feed them.

Imaginary characters work that way.

I choose to be a decent, sane, and moral human being who is more concerned with the welfare of my fellow human beings than I am about hurting the feelings of people who choose to believe in utter nonsense.

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Steve Arrowsmith, The Steve Approach
Steve Arrowsmith, The Steve Approach

Written by Steve Arrowsmith, The Steve Approach

Steve lives and writes on two continents. He has been a lecturer, researcher, and a coach. His interests include helping those with disease and disability.

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